Great success for the goiter mission in Goma

The goiter mission in Goma project went well. Goma is located alongside Lake Kivu, at the foot of Mount Nyiragongo in eastern Congo.

Seventeen patients were operated in 5 days by teams from the Provincial North Kivu hospital, assisted by the team from 2nd Chance. Benjamin and Christopher managed the surgical aspects of the mission whilst Lionel handled the anesthetic support.

The Congolese surgeons made significant progress in surgical technique, particularly in the difficult treatment of giant goiters. During this mission, we operated patients with extremely impressive giant goiters.

Two days ago we got a feed back from the patients we operated, and they are all well!

We have at least two good reasons to return to Goma fairly quickly. Firstly, there are still 30 patients on the waiting list, waiting for an operation, and secondly, after a week of intensive surgery, we only saw the famous volcano during a few seconds! We should at least be able to contemplate it longer next time…