Teaching mission to Nepal

As in numerous countries with limited resources, Nepal suffers from a lack of coverage for patients requiring a surgery of reconstruction. The Nepalese surgeons, in particular t in charge of the people suffering from the leprosy are in demands of training and exchange.


The first part of the mission (from 11th to 18th October 2014) took place at the Institute of the Sciences POB. Koirala, established in 1993 at the heart of Teraï Oriental. The students, the internal and the staff of maxillofacial surgery Department made a commitment with a lot of interest for the presented techniques.


During this mission young Mailing – 13 years – was taken care for a neck contracture (follow her story).


Our thanks are  particularly addressed to Dr Alok Sagtani and Dr Mehul Jaisani at BPKHIS as well as to Dr Graeme Clugston in Lalgadh but also to the Société Générale Beaulieu and to the Mr. Lasri for their support to the humanitarian activities of 2nd Chance in Nepal.

