Lubumbashi 13th Reconstructive Surgery Workshop (Democratic Republic of Congo ) from the 23rd to the 27th November 2014

This week of training was again organized in DRC allowed to settle down in the province of  Katanga for week. After Goma, Bukavu and Kinshasa, the team of Lubumbashi was very impatient to organize this week of teaching. In close relationship with Dr Jules Panda and Dr Jean-Felix Mutomb. 2nd Chance, the week allowed to invite more than twenty surgeons of Congo and of the region. The teams of 2nd Chance were received by Minister for Health of the province Dr Ilunga Ndjoloko.

The workshop took place at the Provincial Reference Hospital of Sendwe. It was the opportunity to meet a new team of 20 surgeons.



13 patients were operated in spite of the difficulties setting in the Operating Rooms.

For the first time, 2nd Chance also organized a one week training in anesthesia for teams with limited means – 12 anesthetic staff participated in the workshop.

Our team also had the opportunity to seize images which will be used in the development of training surgery videos.